NACOGDOCHES, Texas (KTRE )- More high speed internet services is on its approach to Deep East Texas. is a grant program that has received nearly$ 70 million to provide 24 districts with fiber or composite online, according to Glenn Hegar.
” We’re working with the internet service providers because they’re the ones who are going to be providing the service to you, to me, to the communities, to the businesses and individuals over in across that state of Texas,” Hegar said.
Hegar explained that bringing an internet connection can be expensive due to the various local challenges facing the condition.
” East Texas, a wonderful part of the state, beautiful trees, but those trees do inhibit the ability to connect remote communities for cost-effectiveness,” Hegar said.” The different topographies present various challenges.
They have finalized$ 424.6 million partnerships for 13 districts, including Trinity and Newton County.
Hegar stated that” This plan specifically targets the regions with the highest needs.”
Trinity County did get$ 35.6 million and Newton,$ 32.9 million for fibers internet connection, providing velocity of one megabytes per second.
Hegar said this will bring tens of enhancements for healthcare, education, career, and economic growth. By 2026, the project is anticipated to get finished.
” It’s an important part of our daily lives these in 2025 and going forwards”, said Hegar.
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